Negus Shiloh is the Ethiopian branch of the King Shiloh Sound System movement.

For more than 9 years, King Shiloh has been setting up a sound system in Ethiopia and continuing the sessions.

In this Ethiopian branch of his activities, King Shiloh also founded the Addis Dub Club.

It is on the King Shiloh sound system that the artists invited to the Dub In Jah Garden will play.

Selectress Nurstacris is an Elder Rastafari Sister full of light and energy.

She is a Veteran feminine artist in the Switzerland sound system movement Originaly from Medelin Colombia, this is where Her career as a Selecta started around 1992.

She hosted a reggae radio show called “Rasta Feelings” at the X-Todelar radio in Medellin.

And now she is sprayding love trough music all over the world.

It is a very great honor and a real joy to announce you that she will come in Ethiopia, perform and represent the Empress Menen energy who is the feminine polarity of God manifested in flesh, for this first edition of the Dub In Jah Garden.

In the meantime you can find her every Thursday on her Facebook profile for her live show, the Nurstacris Show.

Sydney Salmon is a 12 Tribes singer and Rastaman who has been involved in the process of returning to Africa for many years.

His music is iconic to Shashamane and ambassador of Repatriation across Ethiopia and the African continent. It is a great pleasure to have Brother Sydney Salmon among us.

Ras Ibi is a Rastafari Elder Originaly from Sweden living in Ethiopia.

He lived in Shashamane almost 17 years before settling in the south region in Arba Minch.

In 2023 he relased a E.P called “Broom of Destruction”, we are really happy and honored that he accepted our invitation and so he will be there for the first Edition of the Dub In Jah Garden festival to perform and bless this event with his art and his soul.

Kebra Tafari is a Singer and a sound system Mc.

After working for many years with the very first sound system on his island, Reunion, then after devoting himself to the Rastafari movement on the island, he decided to experiment with repatriation to Ethiopia.

After having had the pleasure of sharing a few sessions with the few sounds present in Ethiopia, such as Negus Shiloh, Ababa Jahnoy sound Ras Kesh, King’s Highway, Dragon Slayer…

he will be present for the Dub In Jah Garden.


Ras Paul is known as a very active member of the Ethiopian World Federation.

Selectah experienced, he is also known for sound system, “Dragon Slayer” and for the numerous sessions he operated in room 14 of Shashamane.

He also accepted our invitation and he will come and play some selections for us.

Thanks giving.

Walker Judah is an original SoundMan from Kingston Jamaica.

He grew up around the founders of Dub music like King Tubby and Lee Scratch Perry.
He built the sound system for Shashamane’s 12 Tribes and will play some rare Old School dub selections as connoisseurs and collectors like them for us.

Oldies and Goddies.

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