On behalf of all the inhabitants of the village of Shebele in Wondo Genet in Ethiopia and especially on behalf of the most needy people who live there, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your participation and your generosity.

Solidarity and self-sacrifice are the links in a chain that unites us, the organizers of this festival, you the public and the inhabitants of this wonderful little village.

In the same way that the inhabitants of Shebele count on this festival so that their reality improves, we too count on your generosity and your humanity to be able to settle the financial aspect necessary for the organization of this festival.

Together, let’s make this chain of solidarity strong and unbreakable.

We thank Hope for Ethiopia for the faith they have in this festival and for the trust they have placed in us by offering to organize this fundraiser.

The motto of Hope for Ethiopia is:
“No one can help everyone, but everyone can help someone.”

If each of us gives a little bit, we will be able to achieve all the objectives of this festival.

We thank you in advance with a heart full of gratitude while waiting to see you come dance and celebrate the Spirit of RAS TAFARI for this first edition of the DUB IN JAH GARDEN festival.

May the Grace and the Victory be manifested by you and for you continually.

Bless you all.

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